We believe Crosspoint Community Church was Made for More. We are putting together a Dream Team to help with a building campaign. We would love for you to join us for an informational dinner on Sunday September 22nd or October 13th at 6 pm. These dinners are informational and for everyone to have the full opportunity to engage in the presentation, we would ask that children not attend. Childcare will not be provided. Please RSVP to save your spot!
Here's a look to what is happening this fall at Crosspoint.
Mark your calendar for Saturday, October 26th when we will have our annual Fall Festival! Fall Festival is one of our favorite fall events with trunk or treating, food trucks, fellowship and worship time at the end. We hope to see you there! We will need trunks and that signup will be coming soon!
Don't miss our next Baptism Service on Sunday, October 27th during our 10:45 service. Join us as we celebrate those proudly proclaiming their faith.
Join a CP Group! Connect with fellow believers and grow in your faith!
Connection Groups are the gateway to finding connection at Crosspoint! These groups meet 4-6 times over the course of a semester and engage in sermon-based questions that allow group members to reflect and apply the Word to their life.
Our Equipping Groups are semester based, and content driven, covering various topics.
View available Equipping & Connection Groups HERE!​​
As we approach the start of our building campaign, we will be looking to put together a dream team. Stay tuned for how you may be able to help us on this team!
Online Giving
Give via the website at cphattiesburg.com and click “give” at the menu at the top.
Text the phrase "cphattiesburg" to 97000 and click the "give" link in the response text.
Give through the churchcenter app.